Baby Divine™
A truly divine line of organic, nut oil free baby care products made with hand picked natural ingredients that are safe and good for your baby’s precious skin. We use nut-free oils that are perfect for babies and parents with nut allergies.
Essential Silver™ FAQs
FAQs are organized into these categories for your easy reference:
What is Essential Silver™?
What is ionic silver?
What is colloidal silver?
What is a colloid?
What is argyria?
What is ppm?
Use and Dosage
How do I use Essential Silver™?
What is the dosage for Essential Silver™?
How do I know which strength of Essential Silver™ is right for me?
Product Characteristics
Does Essential Silver™ really kill bad bacteria?
What types of bacteria does Essential Silver™ kill?
Does Essential Silver™ kill good bacteria found in our gut? Will I need to take a probiotic?
I’m confused - what is the difference between Ionic and Colloidal Silver?
Safety of Essential Silver™
Is Essential Silver™ safe to consume? I read that it may turn me blue/grey.
Do your products have a Health Canada License?
Where can I find stores that sell Jardine Naturals’ products?
What if my local store does not carry Jardine Naturals products?
What if I have more questions?
What is Essential Silver™?
Essential Silver™ is the brand name of premium grade Ionic Silver, a medicinal silver supplement that is licensed by Health Canada for immune support and for a wide range of health issues caused by germs, such as sinus infections, coughs, colds and flu, bacterial inflammation and other health conditions. It complements mainstream treatments such as antibiotics - a study found that silver enhances antibiotic activity against gram-negative bacteria. Essential Silver™ has been safely consumed for over a decade without any safety concerns by Health Canada.
Essential Silver™ has been trusted for more than a decade, and is the leading Canadian brand of silver supplements. Essential Silver™ has been proven in independent laboratory tests to have the fastest germ kill rate. Essential Silver™ instantly killed 99% of eight commonly found bacterial and yeast pathogens upon contact in independent laboratory testing. That’s faster than any other brand based on available data. Details can be found HERE.
It also supports healthy immune function, by killing infectious organisms, and stimulation of red and white blood cells. Studies can be found HERE.
Essential Silver™ is non-toxic and scientific (1) studies have shown that there are no adverse side effects to ingestion of silver supplements like Essential Silver™ (1,2). It does not kill our good bacteria nor cause argyria (greying of the skin), which is associated with the intake of poor quality silver supplements.
Essential Silver™ is available in three different concentrations, to serve different needs.
Essential Silver™10 contains 10 micrograms of silver per ml. Licence NPN 80046610
Essential Silver™22 contains 22 micrograms of silver per ml. Licence NPN 80052237
Essential Silver™32 contains 32 micrograms of silver per ml. Licence NPN 80057052
Essential Silver™ is also available for topical issues - Natural Antibiotic Gels are for a wide range of topical issues – abscesses, acne, athlete's foot, boils, burns, carbuncles, contact dermatitis, cuts, ecthyma eczema, erysipelas, insect and mosquito bites, itch, jock itch, nail fungus, psoriasis, rash, rosacea, scabies, surgical incisions and sunburn.
1. U.S Environmental Agency (website The oral reference dose can be found by typing “Silver (CASRN 7440-22-4)” into the searchbar.
2. Stoff, J. The Ultimate Nutrient. Tucson. Insight Consulting Services, 2000.
What is “ionic silver”?
“Ionic silver” is a type of colloidal silver. It is clear and colourless, or almost colourless. It contains mostly silver ions, which are single atoms with a positive electrical charge. Silver ions are invisible and are actually dissolved in the water. Silver ions are too small to reflect light, which explains the lack of colour in an ionic silver product.
Silver ions are bio-active and have been proven in studies to have a strong germicidal/antimicrobial effect (1) and is the germicidal ingredient in Essential Silver™. Essential Silver™ can be absorbed through the digestive tract into the bloodstream (2,3). It also has no effect on stomach acid and has strong germicidal effect (1). It is very stable and the like positive charge of the ions prevents them from clustering together. The stability of ionic silver maintains its superior effectiveness. For more information, please click on this link.
1. Xiu et al. Nano Lett. 2012;12:4271-4275; Ivask et al. ACS Nano 2014;8(1):374-386.
2. Liu et al. ACS Nano 2012;6:9887-9899; Jimenez-Lamana et al. Metallomics 2014;6:2242-2249.
3. Munger et al. Nanomed. 2014;10(1):doi:10.1016/j.nano.2013.06.010.
What is “colloidal silver”?
Colloidal silver is a generic term for dietary supplements containing silver as an active ingredient. Other names for it are ionic silver, “true” colloidal silver, silver hydrosol, silver solution and structured silver.
All colloidal silver products contain silver in two forms, in varying ratios:
Ions – which are single atoms with a positive electrical charge, and has strong germicidal/antimicrobial effect (1)
Colloids – also known as “particles”, which are uncharged atoms that cluster together, forming larger particles of hundreds of atoms that are submicroscopic in size and invisible, but usually too large to enter cells. Colloids/particles do not have a germicidal/antimicrobial effect (2).
Colloidal silver products have different properties and effects on our bodies depending on the amount of ions or colloids/particles in them. If it comprises of mostly bio-active ions, it will be almost colourless. Poor quality colloidal silver supplements which contain low levels of bio-active silver ions, are coloured, from amber to yellow, or even brown.
1. Xiu et al. Nano Lett. 2012;12:4271-4275; Ivask et al. ACS Nano 2014;8(1):374-386.
2. Liu et al. ACS Nano 2012;6:9887-9899; Jimenez-Lamana et al. Metallomics 2014;6:2242-2249.
What is a “colloid”?
A colloid, a term from inorganic chemistry, is a mixture in which one substance of microscopically dispersed insoluble particles is suspended throughout another substance.
In the case of liquid silver supplements, the colloids are invisible particles of silver suspended in purified water.
What is argyria?
It is a benign dermatological condition caused by the intake of poor quality silver supplements, which is manifested by the skin turning shades of blue or gray. Cases of arygria reported on the internet resulted from the intake of impure silver supplements made from home kits, which may use silver contaminated with high levels of other metals. It is also caused by the intake of silver compounds, which are chemically formed by the addition of other substances into a silver supplement, such as salt or baking soda.
It is impossible to develop argyria from the intake of Essential Silver™, based on the chemical structure of Essential Silver™.
What is ppm?
It is an abbreviation for “parts per million”, and refers to the weight of a substance found in a unit of water. For example, Essential Silver™ 10 ppm means that there are 10 micrograms (mcg) of silver present in 1 mL of water. And Essential Silver™ 22 ppm means that there are 22 micrograms (mcg) of silver present in 1 mL of water. For Essential Silver™ 32 ppm, there is 32 micrograms (mcg) of silver present in 1 mL of water. For Essential Silver™ 50 ppm, there is 50 micrograms (mcg) of silver present in 1 mL of water.
Use and Dosage
How do I use Essential Silver™?
Essential Silver™ is specially formulated to be taken as a daily supplement, continuously throughout the year. Silver is an essential trace mineral that has important nutritional value for us.
In the 1940’s, the average daily intake of fruits and vegetables provided us with sufficient amounts of nutritional silver that protected us from succumbing to illnesses like the flu, coughs and colds(1). However, commercial farming practices have now caused mineral depletion from soils to fall to such low levels that our dietary intake of silver is not enough. We are now deficient in this essential mineral. This is a possible reason why illnesses are now more prevalent.
Health Canada has issued Jardine Naturals with licenses for Essential Silver™ to be sold as an essential daily trace mineral, hence recognizing that Canadians are deficient in silver, and recommends that daily supplementation of silver is necessary for the maintenance of good health.
According to research conducted by Dr. Jesse Stoff (2000), 98% of the population have a dysfunctional immune system (2).
Essential Silver™ Premium Ionic Silver is a safe, practically tasteless supplement that will alleviate a person’s deficiency in silver and provide powerful immune support. It is also an effective germ killer – against bacteria, viruses and fungi.
It does not accumulate in the liver or kidneys, and it is safe to exceed by 10 times the recommended dosage shown on the product label in acute situations. Scientific studies have shown that there are no adverse effects to ingestion of silver supplements like Essential Silver™ (3,4)
1. Kehoe RA, Cholak J, Story RV. A spectrochemical study of the normal ranges of concentration of certain trace metals in biological materials. J. Nutr.1940; 19(6): 579-592.
2. Landsdown ABG. Silver and its compounds, chemistry and biological interactions. Chapter 2. In: Silver in Healthcare: It’s Antimicrobial Efficacy and Safety in Use (ABG Lansdown), Issues Toxicol.6. Cambridge, UK: Royal Society of Chemistry; 2010c.
3. U.S Environmental Agency (website The oral reference dose can be found by typing “Silver (CASRN 7440-22-4)” into the searchbar.
4. Stoff, J. The Ultimate Nutrient. Tucson. Insight Consulting Services, 2000.
What is the dosage for Essential Silver™?
Dosages for Essential Silver™ 10 ppm, 22 ppm and 32 ppm. For Regular Strength 10 ppm, use the greater amounts shown below, for Extra Strength 22 ppm, use the mid-range quantities and for Super Strength 32 ppm, start with the smallest amounts.
For nutritional needs and for general immune support:
Adults 12+ years: 1 – 3 tsp. one to three times daily*
Ages 0 – 12 years: ½ – 1 tsp. one to three times daily*
For severe symtoms:
Adults 12+ years: 1 - 3 tsp. several times daily, or every half hour.
Ages 0 - 12 years: ½ - 1 tsp. several times daily, or every hour.
* In the 1940’s, the average daily intake of fruits and vegetables sufficiently provided this amount of nutritional silver. Mineral depletion from soils has now reduced drastically our dietary intake of silver to insufficient levels.
Tip: Before brushing your teeth in the morning, swish your mouth with Essential Silver for good oral health, gargle and then swallow. This is an easy way to take your daily silver dose.
How do I know which strength of Essential Silver™ is right for me?
Product Characteristics
Does Essential Silver™ really kill bad bacteria?
Yes, it does. Essential Silver™ has the fastest germ kill rate amongst major brands of silver supplements, based on independent laboratory testing. At only 10 ppm, it killed up to 99% of commonly found germs upon contact, and inhibited microbe regrowth even four weeks later.
Within one week 100% of germs eradicated and did not regrow after one month
Essential Silver™
Before adding Essential Silver™
8 types of germs*
99% of germs killed instantly
* Tested for:
Escherichia coli (E. coli)
Salmonella typhimurium
Listeria monocytogenes
Methicillin resistant staph
aureus (MRSA)
Staphylococcus aureus
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Enterococcus faecalis
Candida albicans (fungus)
Additionally, Essential Silver™ has the fastest kill rate amongst all brands based on research into the major brands of silver supplements.
What types of bacteria does Essential Silver™ kill?
Does Essential Silver™ kill good bacteria found in our gut? Will I need to take a probiotic?
The answer is “no” to both questions. We have anecdotal evidence collected over the past decade as well as independent laboratory testing to support this. Thousands of people have consumed Essential Silver™ in the last decade with no negative gastrointestinal side effects, which strongly suggest that our Essential Silver™ does not kill the friendly flora in our intestines.
There is no need to take probiotics when using Essential Silver™.
Additionally, independent laboratory testing found that our Essential Silver™ did not destroy Lactobacillus Sporogenes, a strain of good bacteria. Please refer to Table 1 below for details of the study.
On the other hand, antibiotics kill a wide range of friendly bacteria that inhabit our large intestines. These good bacteria not only produce vital B vitamins and folic acid, but they also compete with pathogenic bacteria and yeast preventing them from multiplying and causing infection.
Interpretation of Lab Results Shown in Table 1
Essential Silver™ 20 ppm was added to 2 different strains of bacteria - the first is a disease causing pathogen (MRSA) and the second is a strain of good bacterium, Lactobacillus sporogenes, commonly found in our intestines:
Methicillin resistant staph aureus (MRSA) - Immediately upon addition of Essential Silver™, all 400 counts of the bacteria were destroyed (at 0 minutes, which means immediately upon addition of Essential Silver™). Even 3 hours later, all bacteria remained dead, with no new growth.
Lactobacillus sporogenes - Upon addition of Essential Silver™ 20 ppm, which is a more concentrated formula, no significant amount of the good bacteria were destroyed, thereby proving that Essential Silver™ does not kill our good gut bacteria.
I’m confused - what is the difference between Ionic and Colloidal Silver?
In terms of the chemical structure, there is really no difference at all. Colloidal silver is a generic term for dietary supplements containing silver as an active ingredient. Other names for it are ionic silver, “true” colloidal silver, silver hydrosol, silver solution and structured silver.
For more information, please click on this link to “The Scientific Truth About Colloidal Silver” by Dr. Robert Jackman.
To ascertain the quality and effectiveness of a product, the key question to ask is: “What proportion of this colloidal silver is made up of ions?”. The higher the percentage of silver ions present in the product, the more effective will be the supplement. And ask for laboratory test results as evidence. Essential Silver™ contains 95% silver ions. Independent lab tests results are available upon request.
1. Xiu et al. Nano Lett. 2012;12:4271-4275; Ivask et al. ACS Nano 2014;8(1):374-386.
2. van Hasselt et al. Wound Care 2004; 12(4): 154-155.
3. Liu et al. ACS Nano 2012;6:9887-9899; Jimenez-Lamana et al. Metallomics 2014;6:2242-2249.
4. Munger et al. Nanomed. 2014;10(1):doi:10.1016/j.nano.2013.06.010.
Is Essential Silver™ safe to consume? I read that it may turn me blue/grey.
Yes it is completely safe to consume Essential Silver™ and you will not turn blue/grey. Turning grey is a condition called argyria and is the result of the consumption and absorption of silver supplements containing impurities including proteins, salts and other metals. These impurities result in the formation of silver compounds that are inappropriate for human consumption, thereby causing silver to be deposited in the skin dermis.
Documented cases of people turning grey were caused by the intake of silver compounds (silver chemically combined with another substance) or colloidal silver proteins, and not of a pure and high quality silver supplement like Essential Silver™.
Two well-publicized cases are found on the internet, Rosemary Jacobs and Paul Karosan. Rosemary Jacobs turned grey from using silver nitrate nose drops in the early 1950’s, and Paul Karosan (he was featured on Oprah) added salt and baking soda to a home brew of supposed colloidal silver that he made from a home kit. He was certainly not ingesting a pure silver supplement, like Essential Silver™. By adding salt and baking soda, he was in effect consuming silver compounds.
Essential Silver™ has been sold and consumed by Canadians for over a decade and has not caused arygria in anyone.
Do your products have a Health Canada License?
Yes, all our Essential Silver™ Premium Ionic Silver products have been issued Natural Product Numbers (NPN) Health Canada. We abide by stringent and high production and quality standards, in order to receive these licenses. Essential Silver™ leads the way as the recipient of the most number of product licenses issued by Health Canada for silver supplements. No other manufacturer has received this many licenses.
Where can I find stores that sell Jardine Naturals’ products?
Jardine Naturals products are available in hundreds of stores across Canada, including major organic grocery stores such as Choices Markets and Nature’s Fare Markets. Our online store is also open 24/7 to serve you.
To locate a store closest to you, please use our store locator map. Also, you can email us at and let us know the product you are looking for and we can direct you to the right place.
What if my local store does not carry Jardine Naturals products?
Ask them! Alternatively, you can email to let us know which store and which products you would like them to carry. For your immediate needs, please check out our online store.
What if I have more questions?
Please contact us at and we would be happy to answer any questions or address any concerns that you may have. We will do our best to provide you with an answer to your question within 24 hours.