Baby Divine™
A truly divine line of organic, nut oil free baby care products made with hand picked natural ingredients that are safe and good for your baby’s precious skin. We use nut-free oils that are perfect for babies and parents with nut allergies.
Canadian made #1 Silver Supplement in Canada
A topical line of herbal extracts combined with Essential Silver™
for increased effectiveness.
Essential Silver™
Powerful flu fighter + immune support. For less than 50 cents a day. The Canadian leader of
Premium Ionic Silver.

For every bottle and jar of Essential Silver™ sold, a portion of the proceeds goes to helping feed school children breakfast in Canada. Every time you purchase Essential Silver™, in addition to choosing a healthy, natural supplement, you will also be helping children in need. Thank you for helping us give back.
Healthy living, naturally
Combines pleasant fragrances with the safe disinfecting strength of Ionic Silver that is effective
and biodegradable.
Baby Divine™
A truly divine, talc-free, and all natural baby powder made with hand-picked natural ingredients.
Diva Divine™ Dry Shampoo
Made from all natural ingredients including essential oils, it cleans your hair without a drop of water.